No time to blog! No energy to blog! So here's a very brief sum up of how they have gone so far.
English Paper 1
Part A went kinda shit, because I didn't actually really understand the extract which isn't a bonus, and it was the first exam so I was a bit unsure, but managed to stay reasonably calm, which is surprising for me! But I really enjoyed the creative writing hehe. So that went well.
French Listening
Was really quite difficult, well I say this, but actually it was reasonably ok up until the very last page which was absolutely awful! Couldn't answer a single thing!
I don't know anything about music theory really, how ever much I revise it, it just doesn't stay in my head! Not too fab. But it's a nice exam, just sitting in a small room with only about twenty other people just listening to music for an hour, so it's very chilled. I think I did alright though, hopefully.
Well, first paper was good! But that was the parts I was the most confident with anyway, but I found (as well as loads of other people) the second paper was really difficult. The last question was 'Humanity is just on this earth by chance, so we have no purpose' or something along those lines. It was horrible, I had no idea what to write! But it took me the whole hours and not a minute less to do these papers, which makes me slightly more happy.
English Paper 2
So I didn't start this brilliantly by answering the question about completely the wrong thing, until my teacher came and pointed that out. Otherwise I would have failed. But again, part A was tricky, but seriously enjoyed part B, that is mega sad. But ah well, had to write a lively magazine article about the stress of GCSE's so it was something that was fresh and extremely clear in my mind.
Anyway, I have just done an hour an a half of going over Paddy Clarke quotes for English lit, this is now my priority! Argh! So scared. But now, I am off for a bike ride to relieve stress. Then i'm off to the pub. Night night xxx